Saturday Inspiration : Simon Bisley illustrates THE BLACK DEATH… and CENTURION? [ 2010 | Neil Marshall ]

I saw Centurion last year, and really frickin’ enjoyed it. Aside from on all the bloodletting, running through Scottish hillsides (theres a hell of a lot of running in it) and the rather watched Michael Fassbender and the ever lovable Dominic West, it was the similarities Neil Marshall is now exhibiting to my favourite director … Continue reading

BRIGHTON ROCK [ 2011 | Rowan Joffe ] REVIEW

The SuperVGA blog has now moved to Posterous!

Hello all – just to inform you, as of 14/11/1o i’ve moved the SuperVGA blog to Posterous – keep up to date with all my musings here :

I’M STILL HERE [2010] Review : Phoenix and Affleck get real.

“You….you?…You got no bit. Me? I got loads of bits. You – you’re a bitless dude” Early 2008 Joaquin Phoenix, the cleft star of ripe filmic epics Gladiator and Walk The Line (not to mention the fantastic Buffalo Soldiers), quit acting to pursue a career as a rapper. He grew a beard, grew his hair … Continue reading

I’M STILL HERE – Joaquin Phoenix & Casey Affleck get subversive

The new four sheet poster for Casey Affleck’s beard ’em up starring the semi-cleft Joaquin Phoenix.  The directorial debut of Oscar-nominated actor Casey Affleck who was last seen punching women in the face in The Killer Inside Me. He follows Phoenix as post Ché 1 & 2, he (in the ‘real-world’) announces his retirement from … Continue reading


Kids these days, eh? Always causing trouble, hanging out on street corners. Bit of national service, that’ll sort them out. Whether they’re trying to knife you on the N29, or they’re gibbering away on talk shows with their tampons hanging out, kids are irrevocably responsible for all the ills of the world. Easy though it … Continue reading

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo & the ill-advised Hollywood remake

The Girl Who Played With Fire is the second in Stieg Larsson’s Swedish Millenium trilogy. A Scooby-Doo style investigative murder mystery, featuring the tattooed pygmy-lesbian Lisbeth Salander and her patriarchal part-time fuckbuddy Mikael Blomqvist. She also has the dubious honour of a film-heroine with the ability make me more aroused the more peril she’s in. … Continue reading

Welcome the Kidrobot x Kozik Moustache Labbit!

A week ago, you might’ve read me gushing about the new Kidrobot/Frank Kozik range of moustached Labbit! plushes. I am now the proud owner of one. I call him Labbit. He sits on the arm of the sofa, watching TV and scaring my housemate when shes stumbles in late after 8 pints of lager looking … Continue reading

The Expendables: Planet Hollywood vs. The Lost Action Heroes

Next week see’s the release of The Expendables; starring and directed by a leathery 64 year old Sylvester Stallone, also featuring a 63 year old Arnold Schwarzenegger and a 47 year old Jet Li. Dolph Lundgren (53), Eric Roberts (54) and the comparatively young faux-cockney whelk, 38 year old Jason Statham also appear, making for … Continue reading

FOUR LIONS – Chris Morris [review]

I’ve grown up with Chris Morris – installed within my psyche as satirical demi-god, as the man who brought both Brass Eye and The Day Today to the world. I would love to mark out for Morris for the next 500 words, but I feel it is my duty, to you esteemed reader, to remain … Continue reading