Rutger Hauer is the HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN [ 2010 | Jason Eisener ] – Go home everybody. Cinema 2011 is done.

The Grindhouse trailer-short turned full length hits cinemas at some point this year. The sooner the frickin’ better. It’s like Robocop 2 meets Death Wish 3. Its Death Cop 5. In fact, it’s so exciting, I can barely pull together a cohesive pun. IGN broke the new poster, but Twitch put me up on Hobo, … Continue reading

Why Vietnam was great. Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam that is. Obviously. [ EA/Dice | 2010 | PC, XBOX360, Playstation 3 ]

Let’s just clear one thing up. I don’t actually like shooting things. Anyone who reads my scribblings on a regular basis would be forgiven for thinking I do though – it seems each week brings a new chapter in the First Person Shooter (FPS) genre. But it’s a sign of the times. Call of Duty: … Continue reading

D.J. Caruso and I AM NUMBER FOUR rips off Psi-Ops with new UK 4-sheet

Duncan Jones directs SOURCE CODE [ 2011 ] – Groundhog Day with more Semtex.

So, Duncan Jones (aka Zowie Bowie, unfortunately monickered son of the David) – the man responsible for bleak sci-fi strandathon MOON is back with SOURCE CODE – which actually sounds rather dashing. Jake Gyllenhaal is part of an experimental government program and finds himself in the body of an unknown commuter living and reliving a … Continue reading

TUESDAY INSPIRATION – Robert D. Cristofaro AKA Jest – Alife | 1999

Robert D. Cristofaro aka Jest Alife / 1999 / Brooklyn   [[posterous-content:pid___0]] So, its Christmas time – and everyone is on the hunt for wacky presents (wacky/zany etc.) – and these little chaps that street artist Jest punked out back pre-Millennium. I’ve had these images sitting in my copy of Schizophrenic Lodown Graphic Engineering Pt. … Continue reading

5 HOURS WITH MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3 [ Capcom | Spring 2011 | Xbox 360 | PS3 ]

5 hours with Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Last weekend, Nero Richards and myself were invited down to a clandestine shindig in a trendy bohemian basement, to celebrate all things Capcom for an awesome little Xmas party, and to sample possible the most eagerly anticipated beat ‘em up of 2011.  For me, the hyperbolic twin worlds … Continue reading

GRAN TURISMO 5 [ 2010 | SCEE/Polyphony | PS3 ] REVIEW – A heavenly symphony from Polyphony?

As someone who lives and works in central London, I’m one of those smug bastards who declares at every available opportunity that ‘I don’t need a car’ and relishes rubbing in the fact I’m spending what car owners do on insurance and tax, on piddly crap that I don’t really need (like video games – … Continue reading

The SuperVGA blog has now moved to Posterous!

Hello all – just to inform you, as of 14/11/1o i’ve moved the SuperVGA blog to Posterous – keep up to date with all my musings here :

CASTLEVANIA : LORDS OF SHADOW [ Konami | 2010 | PS3/360 ] Review – Return of the Mack…

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is a sorely needed – and ambitious – next-gen revamp of the whip-cracking franchise. It’s the year of Our Lord 1047 and the forecasted “end of days” is nigh – a dark spell has separated heaven and earth, and the soul of protagonist Gabriel Belmont’s recently murdered wife has been prevented from ascending into heaven. Therefore, as damaged widower and fully paid-up member of the Brotherhood of Light (and therefore sworn to protect the land from evil forces) he sets off on a quest which involves destroying the three Lords of Shadow, in an effort to rescue his wife from limbo.

I’M STILL HERE – Joaquin Phoenix & Casey Affleck get subversive

The new four sheet poster for Casey Affleck’s beard ’em up starring the semi-cleft Joaquin Phoenix.  The directorial debut of Oscar-nominated actor Casey Affleck who was last seen punching women in the face in The Killer Inside Me. He follows Phoenix as post Ché 1 & 2, he (in the ‘real-world’) announces his retirement from … Continue reading