Saturday Inspiration : Simon Bisley illustrates THE BLACK DEATH… and CENTURION? [ 2010 | Neil Marshall ]

I saw Centurion last year, and really frickin’ enjoyed it. Aside from on all the bloodletting, running through Scottish hillsides (theres a hell of a lot of running in it) and the rather watched Michael Fassbender and the ever lovable Dominic West, it was the similarities Neil Marshall is now exhibiting to my favourite director of all time – John Carpenter. The same eye for detail, macabre sense of humour, individuality and love of comic violence.

Continuing that seam, Simon Bisley of HEAVY METAL/2000 AD fame seems to have done some artwork for the VOD edition of Centurion in the US – as well as the new Sean Bean film THE BLACK DEATH. Check it out – it’s rather fantastic.

All we got in the UK was some grubby blue-tinted shots of shouting soliders. Thats regionalisation for you though i guess.



Black Death


Stolen from MTV

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