I’M STILL HERE – Joaquin Phoenix & Casey Affleck get subversive


Casey Affleck and Joaquin Phoenix decide to jizz in Hollywood's collective soup

The new four sheet poster for Casey Affleck’s beard ’em up starring the semi-cleft Joaquin Phoenix.  The directorial debut of Oscar-nominated actor Casey Affleck who was last seen punching women in the face in The Killer Inside Me. He follows Phoenix as post Ché 1 & 2, he (in the ‘real-world’) announces his retirement from film and decides to reinvent himself as a hip hop star. It’s got a nice poster too. If a bit Dazed & Confused…

Sounds exciting, confusing, clever and ridiculous all in one go. As I’ve been drip fed information about this slowly, anticipation has done the job and I’m totally looking forward to this bad boy. I’ve managed to restrain myself from Youtubing Joaquin rapping – I think thats something to be savoured for posh seats.
I’m Still Here is released in UK cinemas on September 17 by Optimum.

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  1. […] the documented unravelling of Joaquin Phoenix’s life. Either that, or a piece of high-risk gonzo mockumentary. A highly entertaining piece of feral filmmaking touching on Hollywood machine, the trappings of […]

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