Easy internet peeps of the world. So, my reasons…my rhythm, my rhyme.

I’ve spent the last decade buying up retro games. Some kind of bizzare hoarding fixation that I can only attribute to my father. Alas now, sensible adultness sets in (something I didn’t inherit from Daddy-O) and I need money for man things.

Like tattoos, wrestling tickets and getting my teeth fixed from too much coffee, Subway Mega Breakfasts and Haribo Maoms.

Useful stuff, I am sure that you will all agree. So in an effort to convince myself the last ten years WASN’T A HUGE FUCKING WASTE OF TIME i’m going to put together a lovely little biography of every title that gets punted on ebay.

By doing this I will hopefully have some record of what I’ve done for the future, learn a shitload more than I currently do (any help anyone can offer, bits of info or facts, shoot ’em over) and also know how many of these chaps I actually do/did own. And maybe leave a bit of a time capsule – for ‘da kids’. I’ve noticed that what I have is garnering bare dollar on t’internet right now, even in these times of financial crisis. So I think they’re just coming to the end of their lives. 22 years ain’t bad for some of these little bits of plastic I got piled up in my living room.

I also write articles for various online magazines and websites in the United Kingdom, so I’ll post these up here. Constructive criticism too please.

Here's a pile of MD games, that live in my front room. I swear they come alive at night.

See? If it weren't for all these motherfuckers, I'd have a car now.

One Response to “MISSION STATEMENT 101”
  1. HollaAtYaBoy says:

    Hey man!

    I look forward to this little Megadrive diary of yours.

    Just hope your able to get some good photo’s of your collection.

    Yeah, wish I had noted down all the games i’ve brought with dates etc etc

    ya Boy!

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